To have beautiful skin, the following factors need to take note,
1)If Cholesteral level too high in our body and will accumulated at our blood vessels, making the blood vessel to become narrow.This will have health implication like high blood pressures, hardening of the blood vessels kind of illness. Food that could lower cholesterol are Onions, Black fungi and Mushroom etc
2)Clogged stools are the toxins in our large intestine. Clogged stools are stool that are struck in the walls of our intestines and cannot be easily eliminate out from our body . If clogged stools are not being cleared out this will result in weakening of immune systems, growth of acne and pimples etc. Diet consist of high fibre is recommeded to clear clogged stools
3)Skin is also important organs for detox. When having flu or colds, most impt things is to drink more waters, cover blanket to induce perspiration in bed.Sweating is the most effective way of clearing the body of pollutants and chemicals. Perspriation is best avenue for detoxification. By exercise our body take in more oxygen and is necessary for the maintenance of health.
4)Water accounts for more than 70% of the body. Drinking clean water and sufficient water is very important for health. One should drink at least six to eight classes of water per day. Best time to drink water is drink in the morning when we wake up and to drink the water slowly.The best way to drink water is by sipping. In the morning, one can take one glass of warm water in 100 or 200 sips. Another good time to drink water is during half an hour before each meal . We can add a small amount of lemon juice or cut a few slices of lemon added to the daily drinking water to dissolve stones and rid of arteries of calcium deposits. This method has a therapeutic effect.
5) Sleep is the time for the body and mind to recharge. insomnia is common problems among people. Lack of sleep will causes exhaustion of body and mind that results in tiredness, irritability and even illness. Our body need to have at least six to eight hours of sleep .